File Number Search
File Number Search is a free search by the filing number of the document, and does not require an account. Copies of specified lien records can be ordered through the Minnesota Business and Lien System (MBLS) online for a fee; ordering copies requires an account.
To search by file number:
Go to the UCC/Tax Lien page
By default, "file number" is selected
Type your file number into the search box and hit "search"
Your filing details should display
UCC Debtor Name Look-Ups
Debtor Name Look-Ups provide a quick and easy way to find liens immediately. This functionality is useful when formal search reports are not needed. The results of this kind of search are not permissible in court.
Debtor Name Look-Ups require an account and a subscription. When you purchase a subscription you choose how many Name Look-ups you wish to purchase. Additional subscriptions providing for more look‐ups can be purchased at anytime.
Copies of specified lien records found using this method can be ordered online for a fee.
To search by UCC Debtor Name:
Login or Create an Account in our system. Go here for instructions on how to create an account.
Purchase a subscription for the number of name look-ups you would like to do. Go here for instructions on how to purchase a subscription.
Go to the UCC/Tax Lien page.
Select "UCC Debtor Name" above the search box.
Type the Debtor Name into the search box.
How the UCC Debtor Name Look-up handles personal names:
First Name: (not required): Results will contain all names starting with whatever is entered plus everything that follows in the string of the name; plus any similar first names
Example: If first name of “Ron” is entered, the look‐up will include results where the first name field contains: R, Ron, Ronald, Ronda, and so on. Name Equivalency Example: If the first name of “Kurt” is entered the look‐up will include results where the first name field contains: K, Kurt, Curt, Curtis, and Kurtis. For the most results, do not enter a first name.
Middle Name: (not required) Results will contain names including whatever is entered plus everything that follows in the string of the name and no middle name or initial. If no middle name is entered the results will include liens with no middle name or any middle name or with initials that match the first and last name logic
Example: If middle name of “Ron” is entered the look‐up will include results where the middle name field contains: No middle name or initial, middle initial of R, or Ron, Ronald, Ronda, and so on. If no middle name is entered, and the first name “Scott” and Last name “Gerdes” is entered, the look-up will return liens with “Scott M Gerdes” or “Scott Marshall Gerdes” or “Scott Gerdes”.
Last Name: Results will contain only exact matches as to what is entered.
How the UCC DEBTOR Name Look-up handles organization names:
Results contain names including whatever is entered plus everything that follows in the string of the name. (see details about how names are normalized, equivalencies and noise words are matched.)
Example: If the organization name of “PPL Service Corporation” is entered, the search will strip “Service Corporation”, leaving “PPL” as the search criteria. Results will include “PPL Investors LLC”; “PPL Fremont Flats LLC”; “PPL Louisiana Court Limited Partnership” and “PPL Service Corporation”.
Example: If the organization name of “Farm” is entered the results will bring back Farm, Farmers, Farmington Hardware, and so on. Example: If “980 Aldrin” is entered the results will include “980 Aldrin LLC A Minnesota Limited Liability Company” and “980 Aldrin LLC” and “980 Aldrin Company” and “980 Aldrin”.
Example: If “First National Bank” is entered, the normalization process will strip noise words “National Bank”, leaving the word “First” as the search criteria. Results will include “First National Bank”; “First National Bank of Grand Forks”, “The First District Association” and “ First Impression Litho, Inc.”. Example: If “First National Ban” is entered results will include “First National Bank”; “First National Bank in Grand Forks”; “First National Bank of Cold Spring”; “First National Bank and Trust”.