Minnesota Secretary Of State - Polling Place List Requests
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Polling Place List Requests

A list of polling places to be used in a future election is available electronically, for a fee.

Polling place lists for state primary and general elections will be available approximately three months before election day.

Placing an order

To place one order, submit a request using our Polling Place List Request Form.  Return the form and payment in-person or by mail to: Office of the Secretary of State, List Requests, First National Bank Building, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite N201, Saint Paul, MN 55101.

Cost & Payment

Reports covering the whole state are $46. Reports covering any area within the state are $30.

You may pay with check, money order, or cash (in-person only--do not send cash in the mail). Credit card payment is not accepted at this time.

Delivery Options

An email will be sent with a link to the requested polling place data after the order is processed. This link will be active for seven days. CD-ROMs are no longer available. Orders will be ready between 1 and 10 business days after receiving the order.

Report Formats

Reports come in pdf and text formats.

Choose pdf format if you:

  • just want to print the report as-is
  • do not want to edit, filter, or sort the report
  • do not know how to use spreadsheet or database software (such as MS Excel or MS Access)

Choose text format if you:

  • want to edit, filter, or sort the report
  • want to use the data in multiple ways
  • want to use the data in a custom computer application
  • know how to use spreadsheet or database software (such as MS Excel or MS Access)

The report will be current as of the time it is run. Polling places changes should occur more than 90 days before an election except in an emergency.

Polling Place List Report Description and Sample File
Report Name Data included Pdf file Text file
Polling Place List Precinct, polling place name and address, polling place type and status, county code, MCD code, school district codes (pdf only), other district codes sample sample