If you are a business owner or agent in need a copy of Articles of Incorporation to apply for a small business loan, visit our page for ordering copies of filings and certificates.
As is the case with people around the globe, the COVID-19 virus has forced us to change many aspects of our lives including the way we socialize, the way we communicate, and the way we do business. While the changes are challenging, they are also necessary, and so my office has made temporary changes to our operations, in accordance with recommendations from Gov. Walz and the Minnesota Department of Health aimed at reducing transmission of COVID-19.
The health and safety of the public and our employees is our highest priority, and these changes are being made with those values first in mind. We intend to continue delivering the services that Minnesotans rely on, and appreciate the public’s patience as we work to enact new policies and procedures during these uncertain times.
Thank you,
Steve Simon
Minnesota Secretary of State
Updated July 20, 2021
See below for information on what to do if you need services from the Secretary of State.
Business Services:
The Secretary of State public counter is open (Effective July 19, 2021) only for a limited number of appointments.
Please verify on Microsoft Bookings or contact our call center for information on appointment availability.
Appointments are available for:
• Filing Your Business
• Select Amendments (Changing your business details)
• Change of Registered Office
• Annual Renewals / Annual Reinstatements
• Terminations / Dissolutions / Withdrawals / Cancellations
• Apostille Authentication
Microsoft Bookings: Click here to book an appointment
For further information or assistance call 651-296-2803, select option 2 or e-mail business.services@state.mn.us
Specific Departments may be reached by email:
Business Services (Filing, liens, etc.) business.services@state.mn.us
UCC ucc.dept@state.mn.us
Notary notary.sos@state.mn.us
Elections and Administration:
The public counter in our Elections office (180 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Saint Paul) is open to the public Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For questions on elections and voting, voter outreach materials, or candidate filing, please call 651-201-1324 or email secretary.state.@state.mn.us or see online resources. The elections department may be reached at elections.dept@state.mn.us
Safe at Home - Minnesota's Address Confidentiality Program
At this time, Safe at Home is continuing to provide services to applicants and program participants. However, we ask for your patience because response times may be longer.
For any questions about the Safe at Home program, call 651-201-1399 or 866-723-3035.