Many election laws were changed during the 2023-24 legislative session and are not yet updated in the documents below. To review the details of these changes, consult Minnesota Session Laws Chapter 12, Chapter 34, Chapter 62, and Chapter 112.
School district in proper case may expend reasonable funds to inform voters of district of result of survey of district. (Attorney General 159b-11, 9/17/1957)
No limitation on period of time that must elapse before resubmission to voters for approval of bond issue previously defeated (MSA § 475.59). Board may expend reasonable sum to inform voters of facts. (Attorney General 159a-3, 5/25/1962)
School boards may expend reasonable amount of school district funds to impartially place pertinent facts before voters, and members may orally espouse affirmative cause, but cannot use school district funds to promote an affirmative vote on the proposal. (Attorney General 159a-3, 5/24/1966)