All Candidates
- must be eligible to vote in Minnesota
- must have not filed for another office at the upcoming primary or general election
- must be 21 years of age or more upon assuming office
- must have maintained residence in their district* for at least 30 days before the general election
*Note: Candidates for federal office are exempt; see Additional Qualifications for Specific Offices below.
Major Party Candidates
- must have participated in the party's most recent precinct caucuses, or intend to vote for a majority of the party's candidates at the next general election
Additional Qualifications for Specific Offices
United States Senator
- must be an inhabitant of Minnesota when elected
- must be at least 30 years old upon assuming office
- must be a citizen of the United States for at least nine years upon assuming office
United States Representative
- must be an inhabitant of Minnesota when elected
- must be at least 25 years old upon assuming office
- must be a citizen of the United States at least seven years upon assuming office
Governor or Lieutenant Governor
- must be at least 25 years old upon assuming office
- must be a resident of Minnesota for at least one year before the general election
State Judicial Officers
- must be licensed to practice law in Minnesota
State Senator or Representative
- must be a resident of Minnesota for at least one year before the general election
- must be a resident of their district for at least six months before the general election
County Sheriff
- must be licensed as a peace officer in Minnesota
School Board Member
- must have not been convicted of an offense for which they are required to register as a predatory offender under Minnesota Statutes 243.166
Information about other qualifications for county, municipal, school district, or special district offices is available from the filing officer.
Holding Two Offices at the Same Time
Minnesota Statutes provide that one person cannot hold certain combinations of offices at the same time, with a few exceptions. Review the Compatibility of Offices brief written by Minnesota House Research for more information on this topic.