Minnesota Secretary Of State - NVRD in MN High Schools Tool Kit
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NVRD in MN High Schools Tool Kit

NVRD in MN High Schools TOOL KIT


Get ready for NVRD by preparing your students.  This page will provide resources and information to get the most impact out of your National Voter Registration Day (NRVD) experience.

  • Get Your Students Ready
  • Get Your Students Engaged
  • Get Your Students Excited



Prepare for the Live/Recorded Program:

1) Talk up the event to students and teachers of 16-and 17-year-olds, as well as those who will be able to register to vote on November 5.  Don’t think of a class program; think of a school program!

2) Make sure students know:

                -This is happening. (Promo videos are available here: https://www.lwvmn.org/nvrd .)

                -That they will be able to pre-register LIVE on their phones*, tablets, laptops, or school computers, and we will walk them through the form and all the common questions/answers.

                -They will need, that day:

                                -Full name

                                -Address (including zip code, apartment number if they have one, etc.)

                                -Email address

                                -Minnesota ID Number (Driver’s license, learner’s permit, or state ID), last four digits of their Social Security number, or both.

That’s all they will need!  We will take care of the rest.

*If your school policy does not allow phones in class, it is a special activity with exceptional benefits, so please make an exception, AND TELL THEM WHY!


Videos to Show

There are lots of great videos (by students, teachers, politicians, and more!) promoting using your voice, pre-registration generally, and participating in this event.



Here are posters and flyers designed to encourage pre-registration, registration, and using your voice.


Here We Vote is a voter outreach and education campaign by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State challenging Minnesotans to reclaim our #1 spot in voter turnout in the nation for the 2024 general election.  Information and great graphics, social media posts, and more!



How Elections Work
In Minnesota

Information on elections and voting, parties, and primaries, candidates and confidence that your vote is secure.

Teacher's Guide for Registering and Pre-Registering Students to Vote

How to Pre-Register or Register to Vote

Voter registration and preregistration uses the same form.  As you can see, the options for eligibility include either being at least 16 (Pre-registration) or being at least 18 by the next election (registration).

Voter Outreach Toolkit 2024

How to, what to, and when to; so much information on voting and elections, and how to help others learn about elections and voting.




More Resources from NVRD.org

The National Voter Registration Day website has more resources to explore.


Voter Guide / Candidate Information


The League of Women Voters offers a nonpartisan, bilingual voter guide to learn about the candidates and questions on your ballot.