Trade/Service Marks are valid 10 years from the day of filing with the Office of the Secretary of State. You may renew it for another 10 years by filing a renewal form and paying a fee during the 6 months prior to the date it expires.
Retain the original signed copy of this document for your records and submit a legible photocopy for filing with the Office of the Secretary of State.
Trademark Renewal pdf form.
1) Provide the file number issued by the Minnesota Secretary of State.
2) Provide the words, phrase and/or logo description as described on the Certificate of Registration for Trademark issued by this office.
3) List the classification number that appears on your original certificate of registration.
4) List the names and addresses of the individual or organization currently on file with the Office of the Secretary of State.
5) If the address has changed, list the new address. Note: If the mark holder has changed, you must file an assignment form.
6) List the date this mark was originally filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota as it appears on the certificate of registration.
7) List the date on which the mark expires.
8) Must be signed by an authorized person or by an authorized agent (The signing party must indicate on the document that they are acting as the agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required and that they have been authorized to sign on behalf of that person(s).)
Email Address for Official Notices
This email address may be used to send annual renewal reminders and other important notices that may require action or response. Check the box if you wish to have your email address excluded from requests for bulk data, to the extent allowed by Minnesota law. List a name and daytime telephone number of a person who can be contacted about this form.
Filing Fee: $45 for expedited service in-person and online filings, $25 if submitted by mail Payable to the MN Secretary of State
Please submit all items together.
You may mail or submit in-person to the Business Service Address below:
Minnesota Secretary of State - Business Services
First National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, Suite N201
Saint Paul, MN 55101